Do you like Cats?
I am a bit on the agnostic side of this question. Don’t get me wrong I love all animals, but I had decided a number of years back that I did not want another cat.
I did not however factor in the insistance of one small black cat now named Billy Thunder. He moved into my house of his own accord and I do love him, but he was not invited. He just demanded in a very strong manner that he was now living in what he apparently considered his house. If you would like to read the story of Billy Thunder my cat, you can find this in my blog posts!
But back to the reason for todays blog. If you love crochet makes that take 20 minutes or less, then this is for you!
Some of my amazing pattern testers bookmarks. Nancy McKain, Trish Perry, Michelle Westwood, Colleen Harris, Sue Pfer, Mirjam Annaars, Denise Thomas
This cat bookmark is super fast and super cute. It is available as a free download on my webpage and Ravelry, just cos I am feeling generous! You may be wondering at your good fortune. Did I wake in a good mood and decide to be benelovent? Or maybe I got too much sun yesterday!
Not to worry either way as the good fortune is yours and I hope you love Cat’s Meow Bookmark!
Do you have eagle eyes? And perhaps love vintage books from way back when!
Take a good look at the book in the picture. This was given to my by a great Uncle many years back and is from the 1800’s. It has some real gems on relationships and the way a lady should behave in these. It is one of my treasured possessions!