Well, the new year has begun. I am finding many, MANY posts about trends for the year!
What will they be?
How can I start a trend?
How can I cash in on a trend?
Number 3 of the above is probably the most relevant to these posts. Most who are marketing this idea of trends should probably just pop a sign above their head stating ‘look to me, I am all knowing’.
Do they know what is really going to be a trend? Well, I can tell you that nearly every designer would have made a pig in a blanket FIRST, if they really thought that it would go crazy! Those little piggies were everywhere.
Mabel the chicken was another one that you would have seen designers rushing to the front of the queue to be THE ONE, if they had of known!
Maybe others have a secret crystal ball that they peer into. Well, I sure don’t!
I have never really been one to follow trends. And in all honestly, more likely to do the opposite just to be able to tell myself that I did!
So what can you expect from Auburncraft Design this year?
You can expect that there will be crochet.
There is a reasonable chance of dragonflies at some point, simply cos I can!
There will be a CAL (crochet-a-long).
The majority of my designs will be paid patterns. I like to eat and money is kind of a necessity to enable that! Stella (auburncrafts CEO) also has expensive taste in food).
I probably won’t do a collaboration with other designers. I don’t play well with others!
Patterns will most likely be of an intermediate level. I prefer this type of crochet. I need to enjoy what I am doing.
All my designs will be pattern tested. (The pattern test basement is already full of testers working away on the upcoming CAL).
I choose to be my own trend and shall create my own reality! You do you! And I will be ME!
Crochet to enjoy!
I have a follower of 1. Her name is Stella. She truly does follow me everywhere! Probably as it is nearly walkies time, but hey, when you’ve got it, you’ve got it!
But do subscribe to my webpage to keep up with the latest ‘TRENDS’, or not!
I predict that there will be crochet, with a slight chance of more crochet!
Cos, basically I really don’t have a clue!