Way more than you really want to know!!
Ssssssssssssh, don’t tell my husband!
So there I was, sitting with my crochet (purple yarn of course) and an advertisement for dating flashes across the TV screen. It gets me thinking about just what I would say, if I had to do a dating profile.
I am rather unsure if I would want to date me, but ah well, here goes nothing!
Older than I was yesterday, but younger than I will be by tomorrow. What does that mean you may ask? I am old and I am not saying how old!
Redhead (although I cheat a bit these days.. Okay, okay I cheat a lot and its DYED! I am getting older).
I like long walks with my dog in the rainforest especially when it is raining.
I like older cars BUT only if they are manual drive.
I do have a newer car at the moment, named Scarlet (yep I name my cars) and I cannot stand the way she beeps at me. You are too close to the car in front, you haven’t shut the boot (trunk) properly. YOU TOOK YOUR SEAT BELT OFF!
Stupid car! I am in my driveway and if I want to take my selt belt off, I darn well, will. I don’t yell at it, so why does it yell at me?
I have an older 4wd (Sam) which I prefer much better, even though it has seen better days. I used to drive around in my very old xr6 (Sally) till she finally died. She never yelled at me once! Sure she used to cough and splutter at times, but she never yelled!
I have my motorbike licence although it has been a few years since I have used it. I am at home on horseback and love most animals! I don’t love snakes!
A sticker that I have on my car
I used to race 125 yachts when younger and played the part of crew. Yep the one out hanging on the end of a trapeze wire! So a couch potato type person is not for me!
I prefer people who are capable of thinking on their feet. Think MacGyver and you are on the right track and if you happen to look like a very young Richard Dean Anderson, then I can work with that! But if you cannot change your own car tyre, then move along!!!!
The ability to change a car tyre. There will be a test on this one and if I can do it faster, you can forget it!
And if you are gonna stand back and watch me try to save the world, all on my own, then you’re not for me. You had better be right by my side, knee deep in Zombies, when the Zombie Apocalypse happens.
And if I yell ‘Grab all the essential supplies, as we are under attack’ you had better grab as much yarn as you can carry!
Things I am addicted to:
Purple Yarn.
Working out
Cups of english breakfast tea. But let me clarify. It must be made with 2 teabags (NOT ONE). It must be strong, but with a good splash of milk. DON’T SKIMP ON THE MILK! (There will be a test on this one).
Did I mention Purple yarn.
Dance based workouts (which is different to just a workout).
Pump workouts.
Drawing up designs for crochet. (I have dozens all drawn up and cannot seem to stop. I need more hours in the day to make them).
Painting and 3d resin art.
Oh, and yarn, especially the purple variety.
What do I expect from a partner?
Don’t talk when I am crocheting.
Don’t talk when I am counting.
Ooh and ahh over my work.
Tell me often that I need more yarn.
And they MUST, I repeat MUST, know how to make a decent cup of tea! Note to the husband: You could up your game on this one!
Please also refer to the notes re: Zombie Apocalypse.
I can see all the prospective suitors just lining up as no doubt they will realise what a catch I am!!! But perhaps I will just stick with the husband, as after all he does totally fit my above criteria (apart from the making of a decent cup of tea. Mmmm, is that a reason for divorce I wonder?)
Oh and if you are wondering where the crochet is in this post then here is a sneak peek at my latest design. Not much of a look I know! But I have to say that I am totally loving this new design. Launch will be within the next 2 weeks!