If I Want Flowers I Shall Have Them Blanket Blog Post

A bunch of flowers will eventually wilt and die, making them an unpractical gift.  But the pleasure they bring makes them a treasure to behold. Flowers make us smile!

flowers and logo with web colour background.png

I am super excited about this blanket! The pattern can be found in my premium pattern seciton under blankets. I am having issues with linking the blog to the main pages so cannot link it.

Several months in the design stage. Then in the hands of my very capable testers for 5 weeks and here it is!

I do have to say that I think a new crochet hat is going to be a necessity as my head has grown a few sizes, simply due to the feedback from all of my hard working pattern testers. Yes, I do know a couple of them did feel a bit like throttling me at times but we all got there in the end.

Now let’s get back to how incredibly puffed up with my own self importance I am feeling with this beauty. I really must get all this down in writing before I have to start fielding calls for Tv appearances etc as they are bound to be knocking down my door just wanting a glimpse of this blanket for themselves. Maybe I need to hire guards for it!

Oh, dear, does that mean that paranoia is beginning to creep up on me! Of course not!

But in all seriousness I am rather happy with the end results on this one.

About The Blanket:

I used 6 balls of Bendigo Woollen Mills Dk cotton in approx.  2700m/2952.7yd total.

If you have not tried this yarn then do think about it as this is lovely to work with and super soft. I would rate it as a thinner Dk yarn.

The blanket is comprised mostly of simple stitches. The flower stems are made using front post stitches in an overlay. Popcorn stitches form the flower heads.

Now a bit about my pattern testers!

I am blessed with a bevy of super, incredible pattern testers, who go above and beyond to ensure any silly boo, boos (errors) I may have made are eradicated from the pattern.

The blankets they have produced during this test have their own personal stamp on them. Colour selection, yarn selection and one industrious tester used colour change on the flower with brilliant results. So thank you to:

MJ Rose, Elika Rivera, Stephanie Joann Nolasco, Sallyanne Fisher, Cindy Cary, Simone Howes and Amanda Haynes

Source: if-i-want-flowers-i-shall-have-them-blanke...