I recently did a bragging post about the Yarnfast I was on (see previous blog post as to an explanation of what this is).
Yes, I was so proud that I had made my way through 2 full months of the year and in fact the whole of 2022 without buying yarn.
Well the fast has broken!
I feasted on yarn yesterday! Now I did not over indulge and really only bought what I NEEDED. But it still results in the same thing!
Yesterday I felt the call of the LYS. The store was loudly shouting in my ear ‘Come visit me!” The thing is, it wasn’t as though I went out of my way to go there. Due to recent flooding (see previous yarn fast post), I simply had to drive right by it, as my usual way home is still blocked.
And if we are going to get all technical about it all, the best way to lift ones spirits after a tough few days, is a visit to the LYS.
I hopped out of my car and was totally surprised at the extra spring in my step. My feet just danced across the road towards the LYS entrance.
I think I may have even been humming a cheery tune as I entered. I was very clinical in my approach to this just the same. I headed directly to the shelves I know housed the Scheepjes Whirl (again, (see other blog posts) why won’t Scheepjes just give me some yarn? I did ask them once with a lovely proposal and got a Dear John back . So I have no idea why I bother to use it so much).
I needed a Whirl in Shrinking Violet for a super fantastic blanket of which I have on the design board and partially completed. I didn’t let any of the other colours distract me and ignored their pleas begging for me to caress them. Then I headed to the Whirlettes. I needed 2 different shades of what colour? Purple of course! How silly that anyone may think it could be other than that!
I can tell you the colours I grabbed do looks so nice together !
Straight to the counter to pay and while the staff chatted with me for a bit, I did try to rush out the door as the temptation to shop was strong. It was all done in a kind of ‘Buy (no, not BYE), gotta run’ and all the while trying to not look as the shelves whilst muttering to myself ‘Don’t look!”
I have not used any of this purchase as yet but have spent some time admiring and squishing it. It is so pretty!
Now I must really try to start my YARNFAST all over again!