Filet Crochet. Adding Flowers. So you want to know HOW!

I enjoy a bit of Filet crochet and have done my fair share over the past few years. while Filet crochet is fabulous on its own, it can be so much more than just blocks and spaces.

I have to say I love flowers! Flowers make me happy!

I have a couple of patterns in the design stage that incorporate 3D flowers into the filet or hole spaces of the work. This may look harder than it actually is. In reality it is a simple technique and can be done in two different ways. It does not remain exclusive to just filet crochet, but can be done on any crochet by adding in a filet hole where you want the flower.

The two methods are:

As you go, using the same colour yarn or, after completion of your filet piece and using a different colour.

Here I outline these methods:

Method one: Worked in different colour yarn:

Adding that 3D look to filet work. It's easy!


  • Step 1: Attach yarn with a slip stitch into the top chain space of your Filet hole. Into this space work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc) one petal made.

  • Step 2: Rotate your work to the right. Around the side of your dc filet stitch work

  • (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc).

  • Step 3: Rotate your work to the right. Around the chain space of the previous row work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc).

  • Step 4: Rotate your work to the right. Around the side of your dc filet stitch work

  • (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc). Slip stitch to top of first petal sc to close. Fasten off and cut yarn. Sew in any ends.


My latest design 'Field of Flowers'

Method two: Worked as you go, using the same yarn.

  • Step 1: Working on a wrong side row, complete your Filet hole. Turn your work so you now have right side facing.

  • Step 2: Work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc) into the chain space just created. One petal made.

  • Step 3: Rotate your work to the right. Around the side of your dc filet stitch, work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc).

  • Step 4: Rotate your work to the right. Around the chain space of the previous row work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc).

  • Step 5: Rotate your work to the right. Around the side of your dc filet stitch (last stitch created) work (sc, dc, tr, tr, dc, sc). Slip stitch to top of first petal sc to close. Turn your work and continue on with your project.

3D Flowers. As you go method!

So go on! Now you know how to add a bit of flare or colour to your filet work. Colour the world with Flowers!

A flower doesn't love or hate you, it just exists. Mike White.