What is frustration to a Hooker?
Some actually find being referred to as a hooker a major frustration! Not me that is just fine! Call me a hooker all you want!
Others cannot stand that mess of yarn barf and will actually throw it away or pay someone to untangle it.

Yarn Barf!
My frustration for the day is reaching for a design I have partly done and then looking for the 4mm hook needed to do some on it. Mr. 4mm is in my favourite colour purple and you would think I would know his where-a-bouts given that. But, no, he has left the building. Maybe he got a better offer. Better work conditions. Someone with nicely manicured hands to hold him. Someone who will pack him away nicely into a beautiful hook case with tender loving care, instead of leaving him laying around till he is needed. He didn't leave a note to say he was leaving! Nothing!
Then to add to the frustration, all the silly red 3.5mm hooks and 3mm hooks that I do use quite often and have slowly lost, turned up in my search.
Red hooks everywhere!
So I am now in a sea of red hooks and not a purple one in sight.
Footnote: Major alert! Call off the search!!!
I found him... He was hiding in amoungst a bag of purple and pink squares I have been designing. Now we are going to have to have a talk about hiding. He could have let me know with a yell or a 'Hey I am here'. Typical male. he knows how much I want him and he is playing hard to get. Well he won't be happy once I give him a few hours of hard labour hooking away!!!