Are you a glass half empty or half full type of person? I am a bit on the half empty side at times, but today I choose to see the glass as half full!
Photo credit and made by Purled Decay
To cut or not to cut!
On my hook right now, yep, this very minute, is a blanket design. I am closing in on the final stages of it and looking forward to getting it out to test.
At this point I have used almost 4 full 200g balls of Bendigo Woollen Mills Dk cotton. These balls have about 485 metres of yarn in each ball. That means I have worked my way through almost 1940 metres of yarn. I have around 150 metres left on the fourth ball and I have won the lottery! Yes, lucky me! Winner, Winner!
When these balls are manufactured, those making them are going to have to make a join somewhere. They kind of just have too! Finding one of these joins is like finding a needle in a haystack! Or maybe (for those Harry Potter fans) a Golden Snitch!
I had worked my way through around 1800 metres and didn't find a join. This was when my luck cut in. How did this luck manifest you may ask? I found a join in the fourth ball.
Imagine my delight! I could have found my way right through the entire project without finding an elusive join! Of course the obvious reaction to this (if we are being realistic) rather offensive join, would be to get annoyed. Curse my luck, thinking 'Why me', Why did I have to get a join?'
I decided that instead of viewing this as bad luck, I would choose to believe that I am extremely lucky. 'Oh, what luck, a join!'
Just think if you found yourself at the wool mill and were told to go find a ball of yarn with a join somewhere inside, the chances of finding one would be pretty slim. But I found one and I didn't even have to leave home!
Out of all those balls of yarn in production I managed to get the one with the little prize hidden inside!
Out came the scissors and a cutting I went. You just can't trust that those pesky little knotted joins will hold, so a re-join is a must. My mind then shifts to the thought that I now have 2 extra ends to sew in. How fantastic!
You just have to love those little joins! I am so glad I had the honour of finding one! I feel so special!
A Bit about this yarn!
Bendigo Woollen Mill yarn is super soft and incredible to work with. This is an Australian owned and made yarn!