Crochet Bags, bags and more bags!

Lately, I have been making bags!

I made the 'Billy Thunder' Tote and was pleased with that (and I got to play with beads, which is always a good thing.)!

Billy Thunder Tote

Next was my Re-mojonation purse/bag and I was super happy with that one.

Re-mojonation bag

Then I moved on to 'Field of Flowers' (which is a mess of flowers on a bag and a fantastic stash buster). I do love flowers! I also got to play with polymer clay with this one. Clay is fun to play with, as long as you remember to keep the oven to a slow temperature. Not a lot of fun if you forget. Toxic fumes are not fun!

Field of Flowers is at present in the hands of my long-suffering testers and will hopefully be listed early next month. I am forcing them to work day and night to get it done, so it should be good!

Field of Flowers Tote

I showed Field of Flowers to one of my non-crocheting friends (Yes, I do have one!). This friend is mad, crazy, obsessed with the colour 'RED'. Red is not a colour that I am totally drawn to. I prefer purples and oranges. Anything on the spectrum of those colours and I'm drawn like a moth to a flame.

If I was asked to get rid of a couple of colours in the world, never to be seen again. I would probably get rid of GREEN first, as I hate green. I told my red obsessed friend the other day that green should only ever be seen on a plant or grass. She did agree!

There I would be acting as colour designer to the world and banishing Red and Green. I can imagine them both sulking and refusing to leave! Begging me to let them stay. But I would be firm in my decision as they headed for the exit door offering excuses as to why they should stay! Although I guess Red Roses would be missed! Maybe I could be generous and make a dispensation for Valentines day!

I could make a proclamation: Here yee, here yee. I hereby declare that there may be Red (and I guess Green too) on Valentines Day! But only on Valentines Day!

The world could do without green for sure. Imagine a world full of Purple and orange trees and plants! Throw in a bit of pink and this is a world I could dance in! That would rock!

We could do without red! Couldn't we? My red obsessed friend would vehemently disagree with me and I do have to admit it would seem rather odd not seeing this person dressed in red and driving her red car.

And I guess it could be an issue, due to the fact that I am a redhead.

Yes, yes, this sounds like a contradiction as I love my hair colour, but red hair is totally different to the actual primary colour red, so don't start there! I guess if I ended up with purple hair it would not be the end of the world. Look at how many nannas rock the purple dyed look!

My father would have hated a world without red in it. Red was his favourite colour and he loved his red truck. But this is my imaginary world and RED has to go!!!

I wonder where my dislike of Green and Red comes from. Red is just such an, in your face colour and doesn't go with that many other colours all that well. And always having people suggest I should wear green, probably didn't help the colour green. 'It will go with your hair' they say. Yeah sure, if you want me to look like a potplant! Yes, I love flowers, but I don't want to look like a potplant! Every time I put on something green I just hated it.

But bags, back to the subject of bags! After showing off my Field of Flowers Tote, I decided (after talking to the red obsessed friend) that I did need to produce one with red flowers in purse size. I added a red lining inside so the red peeps through from the back, adding an extra touch to the design. This little beauty is in the capable hands of my testers!

Poppy Meadow Bag

I have two other bags in the works. One is part done, and the other is just stewing around as an idea in my head (and no, in my head it is not red or green in colour, but a lovely shade of lilacs and blues).

I have a ton of ideas for different crochet bags! And I have the stash to do them all (insert evil laugh here)!!! I will take over the world one crochet bag at a time!

Keep an eye out for my latest two coming soon to a ravelry/etsy/love crochet pattern store near you (well at least a computer click away).