I guess the answer to that is in the eye of the beholder!The Dictionary says this:
Crochet is a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle. "a crochet hook".
Some who don't like or get Crochet may answer like this:
"Crochet is a complete waste of time and money".
But to those of us who know the true secret of Crochet and the wonder of creating it is much more.
You see, you get (or are maybe given) this magic wand (crochet hook). You wave this wand and incredible things appear. Well, that is what is meant to happen. Sometimes there is a lot of frustration along the way. A lot of Frogging and the occasional swear word all added into the mix.
We crochet because we enjoy creating something of beauty. We crochet to help avoid stress. To keep our minds active. To create that item for our loved ones, that is unique and special.
And to those who don't get the need to Crochet I say "Full Speed Ahead and damn the torpedoes. Hooks (or wands), Charge!!!"
poodles 1