Chaos or a Leadlight Blanket?

There is beauty in Chaos!  Or that is my theory and I am sticking to it!My Leadlight Blanket is progressing slowly.I wanted a Challenge!  Something a bit different!Working from only one ball of yarn at a time, is not living on the edge.  So what do I do?  I design a pattern that in this colour work section, uses 96 bobbins of yarn.How it all Began!I saw a Mandala type Stained Glass and thought, Mmmmmmmmmm, something like this would look great in crochet.  So my mind began constructing, breaking down and forming how I would go about this.You know how it is when you are actually trying to sleep.  Instead of going to sleep my mind is figuring out how I can turn this Stained Glass into a workable blanket.  I thought about how I was going to construct this for several weeks.  Then I chose my yarn.I am using Stylecraft Batik Dk and while I have never been a  person who likes green, (there is only a minimal amount of true green in, it) I am extremely happy with the outcome.Normally, I have a tendency to go for Oranges or Purples, as I just love those colours. So I jumped out of my comfort zone and went for Teals, blues and the odd bit of green (which I do have to admit I put in grudgingly).Yes,  Yes.   It sure looks like a huge mess!But there is order in my chaos.  I only have 13 Rounds remaining of this section and while each round now takes quite a while, I will get there.It is different and the Challenge I was looking for.I keep adding up in my head, how long this will take to complete.Assuming I don't get tangled in my own yarn and have to call for emergency services to rescue me.    IF I do half a round each day, I can have this section done in 26 days.  Who knows I may get more done in a day.  I like to do a certain amount of a more challenging project each day and then revert to something a little more mindless.Then I can look forward to sewing in 192 ends!But, it already looks FABULOUS!  And I really think that when done it will be Super, Duper FABULOUS!  Yes, I can see how it would be a bit hard, to tell from this picture.  You will just have to trust me on this.I hope to have this pattern out to testing by the end of 2018 and published early next year.With each round of the blanket growing, this pattern will use quite a few balls of yarn.  Stylecraft Batik is available here on Love Crochet