Flower Diamonds Blanket

This is the third in my Diamond Blanket range.

I was on a role after doing Butterfly Diamonds and Dragonfly Diamonds.  So I just had to round it all up with Flower Diamonds.

I am super pleased with how it turned out and think that I am now done, with Diamonds for a while.

The border of this is my signature style and done working one side, at a time.  A little flash of colour is then added with Surface Slip Stitch

This would also be a great blanket to have ready made waiting to hear the gender of an expected arrival, as the Surface Slip Stitch can quickly be added to suit.

I always get a buzz out of seeing the colour combo's that my testers come up with.

Flower Diamonds Pattern now available on Love Crochet, Etsy  And Ravelry.

Check out Butterfly Diamonds and Dragonfly Diamonds on Love Crochet.

Dragonfly Diamonds

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