Nice Words For Sale! Going Cheap!

Maybe it is just me. Who knows! But being a Crochet Designer I wonder what a nice word or comment costs?Does it cost an arm and a leg?  Will people be punished and have their crochet hooks confiscated for a week, if they leave a nice comment and do they get bonus points if they find (or think,) they find an error and leave a comment about it (without bothering to send a message to see if they are right?) And are Ravelry and Etsy in on this.It does get a little disheartening to spend huge amounts of time creating, testing and publishing crochet patterns, for sale or for free and have quite a few downloaded only have the odd person comment that sees a full stop in the wrong place.So if you get a pattern for free, or if you buy one,  post a nice comment and make the designer feel they are doing a good job.  I promise it will not cost anything, and it will put a smile on their face.