Crochet Go Bag!

Yes, this is a thing!

If you are serious about crochet then like any good boy/girl/person guide/scout knows, BE PREPARED!

Let’s face it! Any serious crochet connoisseur knows that there is nothing worse than finding yourself somewhere with time to kill and hands just itching for some crochet, but you didn’t bring it with you. Of course when this happens I know I kind of just feel like plonking myself down wherever I may be and having a good sulk/cry/tantrum! Whoever decided that adults should not have tantrums really needs a talking to!

And unless you happen to be a type of Macgyver who can fashion a crochet hook from a low hanging tree branch and perhaps crochet a strategically placed clematis vine, then you will spend those hours wistfully wondering how much crochet you could have achieved.

This is where the Crochet Go Bag becomes an essential item. Always at the ready and packed with a WIP or 2 just in case.

Whenever I know I have to go pretty much anywhere, the first thought that comes to mind is, what crochet WIP shall I take?

Having a spare skein of yarn, or 2, or maybe 3 or 4 stashed away in your car, handbag, suitcase, backpack, etc, with a spare hook is just forward thinking. And a darn good excuse to buy more yarn and hooks.

I think if anything happens to me, the family shall have hours of fun finding all the well placed emergency skein and hooks, that I have planted everywhere. Maybe I should be kind and leave them a treasure map marking where the booty can be found. X marks the spot! Here and here, and here and there and over there. I can just hear my children all exclaiming ‘Mum was rather odd at the end. We found yarn and hooks hidden everywhere!’

They would probably all be wondering if I actually packed a Go Bag to take with me! Mmmm now that is a thought! Perhaps I should arrange this!

Crochet Go Bag Contents.

1, 2, 3, 4 or maybe 5 skeins of yarn. ✔

Mini scissors. ✔

At least one hook or two (go on throw in a third one). ✔

Measuring tape. ✔

Stitch Markers. ✔

Tapestry needle. ✔

W.I.P. ✔


Be organised! You will thank me when you can just reach for your emergency crochet go bag when the need arises!


Vagabond Bag Link

Stylecraft Special Dk yarn

Clover Armour Hooks

Tapestry needles

Stitch Markers

Measuring Tape


Crochet tote