Wheel of Time
At times I have people tell me you should make this, or you should make that! My long suffering husband is one of the worst offenders.
‘I saw some really nice lamp shades today, you should crochet those’.
My response is usually the same. ‘I don’t want to crochet THOSE’.
One of my lovely pattern testers asked me very recently if I would do dreamcatchers (yes Elika I mean you). Maybe! I guess I could! But will I? Mmmm probably not.
I rather like making unique clothes but often these are just for me! I hate sizing things as it is BORING! This is why I don’t offer many clothing patterns.
And when I refer to unique clothes I rather do mean unique!
I was recently walking several kilometres to a local fair that was running. I had some crochet entered and I did rather well in it (brag, brag). I won two sections, but on the long walk to gain entry (there was no parking as everyone was heading there), I had to pass a very elderly couple. I had doned my latest purchase of some hot pink chennille capris, with large purple hippie flowers on them, and to compliment them, I was wearing my Porcupine Peak purple long crochet vest. I had my new crochet handbag that I designed just for me, over my shoulder. It has cats on it to complete the look!
I Should Have Used Mothballs
One of these old dears who is most likely partly deaf (and not realising that not everyone suffers the same affliction), looked at me as I passed and exclaimed to her partner ‘they do wear some strange things around here’. I turned and gave her a smile (which probably just confirmed her suspicion that I was rather strange, due to the pink and purple streak I have added to my hair). I continued on my walk happy in the knowledge that I gave them something to talk about on the long walk to the fair.
As for my crochet, well I try to do MY THING! It may not be everyones thing, but it is mine!
Ice Queen
Some of my shawls are evidence of this!
Take my ‘I Should Have Used Mothballs’ Shawl. It is designed to look moth eaten. Some get it, but others want to tell me how sorry they are that moths ate my shawl.
Then you have my Ice ‘Queen Scarf’. I designed this to appear as if icicles are dripping.
A Prison for Flowers
A Cotillion for Butterflies!
In 2020 I designed ‘A Prison for Flowers’ shawl and got a few people who exclaimed that they did not like the name. Maybe they were upset that the flowers were trapped inside a diamond prison. Who knows!
‘A Cotillion for Butterflies’ was an idea that jumped into my head. What is not to love with the idea of butterflies attending a ball!
I just love adding little back stories to my designs. I have ‘Dragonfly Hide n Seek’ where the dragonflies are among flowers playing a game.
Then came ‘Lost in the Dragonfly Labyrinth’ shawl. The poor dears cannot find their way out!
In 2019 I designed ‘Fishing for Luck’. This shawl has been one of my best sellers and you can always gauge success of a design by whether someone tries to steal it and yep, I had that happen this year too. It is a fun shawl with netting '(hence the name) and with small 3 leaf clovers dangling from the edge. You can join in with the clover challenge and add just one four leaf clover somewhere along that edge.
I followed the theme of Fishing for Luck and this year designed ‘The Wheel of Time’ shawl. Similar to Fishing for Luck but then also very different. This is proving to also be a popular design, so maybe my uniqueness is appreciated after all.
Porcupine Peak Vest
You can be guaranteed that I will do my own thing and come up with something that some will love and others, well they will just stare and wonder why!
You can find links to all these shawl patterns in the premium patterns section on my webpage. Then select shawls.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks as I have another unique shawl design in the works!!!
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