The Australian Way!


Upon checking the letterbox today I discover a box jammed into it by our postie. Firstly I wondered at why they jammed it into the letterbox when we have a parcel fridge around 1 foot away, but they did.

Then I start to ponder which of my online purchases are in this 7 inch by 7 inch box. With my excitement building I rushed into the house to prise open this wonderous parcel.

Is it yarn, or could it be yarn. Maybe it's yarn!

I am thinking a few balls of yarn could fit inside this box but then I should have factored the 'Australian way' into my calculations. And to be honest I did forget my enormous purchase of ONE lipstick in the colour Gangsta Wrap. But then in my defence who would really consider that someone would package ONE lipstick into a 7 inch x 7 inch box.

Like really! They could have at least stuffed some yarn around the sides of it to pack it out. You could fit at least 4 skeins of yarn in there too! Yeah, you would think so!
