Designer Brain

When you have a dozen designs partly completed, The only sensible things to do is to start something else.

Designer Brain!
I have been deep into the art of contemplation today, pondering over the complexity of a designer's mind. My own included!
I have spoken to others who confess that they often struggle to decide on their next design or project. However, I NEVER have that issue.
My brain treads a fine line between moments of brilliant clarity and borderline insanity.
Two nights ago, I experienced a crisis when I realized that the design I had dedicated hours to required more yarn than I had. To make matters worse, it was a limited edition yarn that had already sold out. I felt panic rising within me, and the thought of starting over using a different yarn had me considering tears. Eventually, I managed to track down more yarn, but the frantic search did reveal the crazy side of my mind.
As I rummaged through my stash in search of the missing yarn, I stumbled upon a combination of other colours that harmonized beautifully. Instantly, my brain conceived a completely new design to add to my ever-growing collection of designs waiting to just BE.
Move forward to today and I attended a high-intensity step aerobics class at the gym. One might assume that during this intense 55-minute workout, there would be no time to think about anything else. But no, my brain seemed to get bored and started churning out ideas for a design that could incorporate the long-forgotten skeins of Stylecraft Ombre Aran yarn from my stash.
However, I must have a stern conversation with my brain because, in its excitement for creating new designs, it neglected several other important tasks. For instance, on the way to the gym, it failed to remember to move forward when the traffic light turned green. The honking from the horn of the driver behind reminded me. Do they have no idea that I was in the midst of an intricate design idea? One would think they could wait just a moment!

My brain seems to be an entity all its own. When I finally sat down to do a little work on the design that caused the yarn meltdown, the next thing I knew, I had made a flower. I was not going to make a flower, but there it was. The idea for using that ombre yarn insisted that I attend to it right then.

My brain rebels against me when asked to perform life's more boring tasks, wandering back to the things IT prefers!

I have my suspicions in regards to what happens when I am fast asleep. I am almost certain that my brain leaves the building and goes on its own mini holidays. I can imagine it frolicking through the yarn stash and perhaps it even takes it a step further by browsing yarn stores online, adding pretties to the purchase cart.
Just who is driving the bus here? Am I in control of my brain, or is it the other way around?

Today, I truly believe that I am suffering from the dreaded "designer brain." Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this condition. Although I have heard that buying yarn could eleviate the symptoms! Mmmm now there’s a thought!

But is it really my thought?