Technicolour Yawn Freeform Vest!

I love colour! I love flowers! I love crochet! What a great mix of things!

They just had to be combined together. So I started this Freeform Vest around an aeon ago!

Freeform can be challenging and I thought this one had got the better of me. It got thrown into the naughty corner as I was not happy with it. I refused to even look at it for quite a while. I had darts in the back and they were just not working.

I dragged it out from the depths of the cupboard two weeks ago. I took to it with the scissors in a mad frenzy and removed the darts. Of course this left gaping holes where they were. So I slowly started to repair the damage. I would do a bit, undo a bit more, repeat, repeat, repeat!

The armholes were a pain! They were too small! The wrong shape! The wrong colour! Just not right and blatantly mocking me! So out came the scissors again!

I love purple!

Once I had the vest together and was happy with it, I then had to face the ends and sewing them in.

The ends! Oh the ends! So many ends! I did despair that I would never get them all sewn in. But last night I sewed the very last one in. This was followed by happy dancing! No humans were around, so I shared my excitment with my best friend and constant companion, Stella (cocker spaniel). Needless to say she was impressed. Not only with the vest, but with my dancing too!

This is made from pure wool, so is rather heavy. The buttons I made from polymer clay and there is a 'how to' on my blog about making them.

I intended to do sleeves on this, but decided I may actually get to wear it here in QLD if I made it sleeveless. Who knows I may even add sleeves at a later date. Although I did run out of purple yarn in the final stages, and had to join several pieces to finish the armholes.