Why I Make?

Where to start?

Asking the question as to why I make is a little like asking someone why they breathe!

Lovecrafts Blogger Awards. Link to Lovecrafts https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-au/l/yarns My blog may not be the biggest or have the most followers, but it is mine!!!

I always tell people that I crochet because punching people is frowned upon. But of course there is more to it than that! Being creative is who I am and so I guess crochet is my happy place.

My most recent Design Only One Woof Cushion. Pattern available soon on Lovecrafts

I have always had the need to create. Just you try and stop me, it won't be pleasant!!!.

Even when very young, I used to make clothes for my dolls out of scraps of material. They were not particularly all that good, but I thought they were.

I am not really an extroverted type of person and don't feel the need to be out there in front of everyone, but when it came to being creative, I was always the weirdo in the hand painted jeans, or the tie-dyed head scarf.

As I got older and had my own home, nothing was safe from my creative hands. The picot fences had flowers painted on them, so did the letterbox and front gates. I painted pictures on the doors inside the house and carefully painted flowers or pictures on the power point covers throughout. Art work is everywhere at my place and I recently began producing resin art pieces as well.

One of my Resin Art Pieces

My kids had paper mache piggy banks and their rooms became works of art. My daughter wanted fluro pink walls with tiny daisies painted on them. My husband shook his head, but he painstakingly marked out intervals on these fluro walls so I could add the tiny white daisies, one by one. Her curtains had hand threaded beads on them, which took me forever to do.

I spent a lot of time with beads and sequins adorning Ballet and dance costumes for her as well during all her dance years.

My sons who were motocross riders had finish flags for curtains and handmade blankets with the motorbike brand logos on them.

Then they all went and grew up!

My youngest still raced motocross and supercross and for anyone who knows about this sport, for mothers it is a lesson in how to manage stress. I had the basics of crochet and knitting taught to me by my grandmother and had done a little of each throughout the years, but now I needed something to stop me climbing up the walls whilst my youngest child sped by on his motorbike, jumping huge mounds of dirt as he went, all the while with other riders slamming into him and basically making a mother want to jump the railing and send them all to the naughty corner for attempting to hurt my little boy!!!

My son #14 getting the holeshot at an outdoor event. Talk about stressful for a mother.

This began my real journey into the crochet world. There I would be, in the pits at a National event as my son prepared for his next race. As the line of bikes all revved up in anticipation of the start flag, I would be clutching my crochet hook and trying very hard not to have a melt down. I have stood in stadiums full to capacity of over 35000 people waving my crochet hook in encouragement as my son raced by. As he progressed in his career I would at times be sitting up in the middle of the night, glued to a computer, hook in hand, furiously working on another crochet design, while watching my son race overseas in Germany, USA or half a dozen other countries.

Crocheting in the pits at a National Motocross Event.

I can truly recommend crochet as a stress reliever and great for anxiety!!! I would also strongly suggest never letting your child take up motocross/supercross racing.

Designing crochet is something that comes easily to me and ideas are always whirling around in my head. I don't have a specific niche of how I design. I do what makes me happy, I make with yarns that make me happy. If a yarn is calling to me then I really must answer.

I appreciate all the outlets such as Lovecrafts that allow me to publish my designs, although I sometimes wonder if they don't add something addictive to their yarns that make you want more and more. They wouldn't do that, would they?

I can't say I have a favourite yarn, although I tend to gravitate towards anything purple. Dangle a purple skein of yarn in front of me and I will happily watch it for hours. Give me a hook to go with that skein and I will turn that yarn into something beautiful!

Gotta love purple! Left: Porcupine Peak Vest. Middle Bottom: Clematis Shawl. Middle Top: Wish Upon a Star Cushion. Right; Freeform Vest . Click on each name for a link to go to the pattern available on Lovecrafts.

If you haven't had a go at crochet then get to it, especially if one of your children decides to take up a dangerous pursuit!!!!! And if anyone questions why you need that extra ten skeins of yarn, just tell them it is therapy yarn..