Just a Little Bit Batik, Shawl, Capelet, Shrug, Wrap.

Pattern available on Ravelry (Click here for link), Etsy(Click here for link) and Love Crochet.

This uses simple stitches and surface slip stitch to create an interesting textured look. Stylecraft Batik is used for best results. This is available on Love Crochet.

For me the design process is a journey!

Yes, I know. You are now thinking 'Oh she used the journey word, I'm out of here'. Can't say I like sentences that begin that way myself!

I mean it in almost a literal kind of way. I start with one idea in my head and end up taking a few turns along the way. I headed down the motorway of crochet, decided to take one of the exits and ended up in the side streets in a very cute little boho town.

My mind just kicks into overdrive and what I began to make, morphs into something else.

This was the case with this beauty! I find myself looking at it and making mmmmmmmmm noises.

Just a Little Bit Batik began its life thinking it was going to be a basic shawl. Somewhere along the way, the gremlins that keep the cogs in my brain moving, decided to go rogue and it ended up something a little bit more and I would like to think, a little bit more special.

It is now a Shawl/Shrug/Capelet/Wrap (to be honest I have no idea how to classify it) and rather puffed up with itself for being special. It is designed to be worn with the top edge rolled back to form a collar and a button closure to hold it in place.

It's a really unique fashion accessory that I would wear! And while I do tend to have a bit of an 'out there' style of dress sense (or so I have been told), I hope that this pattern will be loved by many.

It is colourful! And I love colour! It is also an easy crochet project and beginner friendly!

When I design something, I don't really think about it in the sense of what may, or may not be a popular item for people to want to purchase. I think about what I like and what appeals to my ideas of what colour, and shape should be. I like original things and will always be the crazy person wearing the tie dye leggings, or the over the top sunglasses. I don't care if they are in fashion. I wear what makes me happy! I design what makes me happy! And if it makes others happy too, all the better!

I can see a blanket in this same style in the near future!!!

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