Sunburst Crochet Square

This is a little square I designed a while ago. I have had visions of doing something more with it and a modified version of it is in the works (don't hold your breath though as I have a million WIPS on the go).

You can get a printable version here on Ravelry and Love Crochet.

Sunburst Square


USA Terms


3mm hook

Bendigo Mill4 Ply Cotton in Latte 887

Finished Size:

6 ¼ “/15.5cm



Hdc- Halfdouble crochet

Tr – TrebleCrochet

Slst- SlipStitch


Sp- Space

Sc- Singlecrochet

Dc4togcluster- Double Crochet 4 together to form Cluster

Tr4togcluster – Treble Crochet 4 together to form Cluster.


RS- Rightside

PS- popcornstitch


Chains countas a stitch unless otherwise stated.

Popcorn Stitch How To:

  1. Work 5 double crochet (dc) stitches in the same stitch.
  2.  Remove Hook
  3. Insert hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of the firstdouble crochet of the group.
  4. Pick up the dropped loop with your hook and pull it through thestitch.

Form a magic circle, or ch 6, sl stto form a ring.

Round 1. Ch 4 as first tr, 23 tr into ring,sl st to top of beginning ch4 to close (24 tr).

Round 2. (Ch3, to form first st of PS) PSinto same st. *Ch2, sk1 tr, PS into next st.* Ch2, slst to top of first PS. (12Ps,12, ch2 sp’s)

Round 3. Slst to the middle st (top) of nextPS, ch4 (counts as sc plus 3 chs) * Slst into space between PS in Round 1, ch3,sc to the top/middle of next PS.* Rep from * to * around. (12sc, 24 ch3’s)

Round 4. Ch1 in place of sc. *Ch4, sc intonext sc* Rep from * to * around. On the last ch4, slst to the starting sc.(12sc, 12 ch4 spaces)

Round 5. Slst into next chsp.  Ch1 which counts as a sc,hdc, dc, tr2, dc, hdc, sc into ch4 sp.  *Sc, hdc, dc, tr2, dc, hdc, sc into ch4 sp.*Rep from * to * around. Close with slst to starting ch1. Fasten off (12 Petals)

Round 6. Slst to between the two trebles, ch1(counts as sc). *Ch6, sc in between next two tr’s. * Rep from * to * aroundomitting last sc and close with a slst to beginning ch. (12sc, 12 ch6 sp’s)

Round 7. Slst into next chsp, ch1 (counts asa sc) sc6 into same chsp.  Sc7 in eachchsp around. Slst to close.  (12 groupsof 7sc).

Round 8. Slst along to 3rd sc ofthe next 7sc group. Ch1 (counts as a sc). *Sc1 Hdc2.  Tr in between the two tr of rd5. Ch2, tr intosame sp between the trebles of rd5, sk2 st’s on working row, hdc2, sc2, ch7,sk5, sc into next st, ch7, sk5, sc1. * Rep from * to * around four times intotal. Slst to starting sc. Fasten off.

Round 9. Slst along to next Ch2 Sp.  (Ch4, Tr3tog, ch4, tr4tog, ch4, tr4tog).  *Ch4, sk next 4 st’s, sc into ch,ch4, Dc4tog into same ch sp as ch4, ch1, Sk next sc, dc4tog into next chsp,ch4, sc into same chsp as dc4tog, ch4. ^(Tr4tog, ch4, tr4tog, ch4, tr4tog)^*Rep from * to * 3 times in total.  Repfrom ^ to ^ once. Close with slst to top of ch4.  (4 groups of tr4 together with ch4 between, 4groups of dc4tog with ch1 in between, 8 sc with ch4 each side)

Round 10. Slst across to the top of the middletr4tog in any corner. * (Sc, ch10, sc into same sp).  Ch6, sk next ch4 sp and tr4 cluster. (Sc intonext chsp, ch4, sc) into the same chsp. Ch4, sc into next chsp, ch1. (Sc, ch4, sc) in between the dc4tog clusters.Ch1, sc into next chsp. Ch4. (sc, ch4, sc) into next chsp. Ch6, ^ sk nexttr4tog cluster and ch4 sp.  * Rep from *to * four times in total.   Close withslst to sc in top of tr4tog cluster.   Sewin any ends.  Block