What to Expect!

Occasional Posts relating to Crochet!Probably posts relating to the designs I am working on.A lot of rambling on about Crochet.IF  you are lucky a helpful hint or two.dearne headband 2I have been hesitant to create a blog as personally I don't know if it is for me or not.  It is the obvious next step for someone who designs to have one, but not everything is sunshine and rainbows.   I will see how it goes and if I find anyone raining on my parade (due to this public platform), then I guess I will cut and run.  This blog is for my crochet and so for those 'Storm clouds' who hover in the background waiting to pounce, I say go wreakk your havoc on someone else for a change! What you won't find herePerfect Grammar and Spelling.  So if you happen to be a Grammar and Spelling Freak, then move along.To Kick things off!The picture is of my Dearne Headband.  This is a free download available on my Ravelry Page