One Ball of Yarn!

I was going to write about my red yarn on my interstate trip but……….., I had only taken a few balls of yarn (well a truckload really as I have stated how I pack to travel in other posts).I ran out of Stylecraft Batik in Storm and was sure, really sure I had one ball left at home.

On arrival home, I went to the spot where it should be and no Storm.  So I tore through the plastic stacking containers that it could possibly be in.  Nope!   Of course by this time I was getting a little frantic, I was a woman on a mission.  Yarn was flying everywhere!  I went through the yarn cupboard and every possible little spot that I shove yarn (and there is a few).If anyone had come across me in my search they would have seen me throwing balls out of the way.  Nope, Nope, not here!I eventually had to come to terms with the fact that, I did not have another ball.  How annoying!

 I only have one and a half rounds to go in this colour. How selfish of the Yarn!  To add to the annoyance I have approx 10 balls of Batik looking at me and not one of it is the colour Storm.I stared at all the Batik I had, for quite a while, hoping one would turn into the colour Storm, but my powers or perhaps my magic wand were just not working today.So I have placed an order.

Of course I cannot just order one miserable ball.  That would be silly wouldn't it?  It would be lonely!  It just would not do!My order grew slowly, (well not that slowly, as I wanted this and this and this) and I am now, not sure, but the company may have to hire a private plane or a cargo ship,  to ship my parcel.  It may well take up way too much room anywhere else. My Leadlight Design is stuffed into the naughty corner with my Pumpkin Spice hat.

And  so I wait in Frustration for that one ball of yarn!